
Despite all my interest in the altered state of consciousness and psychedelics, I had never heard about Ayahuasca before.
Some time ago we had a new employee at work, who was addicted to psychedelics. In one of the conversations he told me about Ayahuasca. I realized that I had a serious gap in my education. I learned a lot of information about the ceremonies of Ayahuasca, about the molecule of DMT, about Peru and the shamans of South America and much more.
Ayahuasca is a traditional drink made by the shamans of the Indian tribes of the Amazon. Ayahuasca consists of two main components: the Banisteriopsis Caapi liana (which locals call Ayahuasca), the source of the monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), and the leaves of the Chakruna, the source of DMT. In addition, the drink can contain a couple of dozen components, depending on the specific shamans and purposes of taking Ayahuasca. DMT is an endogenous psychedelic, which is produced by the human body itself in small amounts. There is no definite scientific explanation about the role of DMT in the body. There are suggestions that it is used by the body to induce visual effects in the process of natural dreams, experiences of clinical death, as well as other mystical experiences. But with oral administration, DMT is rapidly destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract and does not cause psychedelic effects. Somehow, the Amazonian shamans have learned to combine MAOI contained in a vine with DMT contained in Chakruna and other plants, making it possible to take it as a drink.
Ayahuasca Ceremonies are very popular in the countries of South America. The government of Peru officially recognized Ayahuasca as a national treasure, recognizing the drink of the same name as a source of natural knowledge. Ayahuasca ceremonies conducted by the indigenous peoples of the Amazon are the cultural heritage of the nation. Ayahuasca has penetrated more and more to the west countries recently, although in many countries it is officially equated with narcotic and remains banned.
Shamans claim that Ayahuasca is not just a plant or drink, it is a spirit that cleans, heals and gives knowledge and wisdom. Preparation for the session usually starts in a couple of weeks and involves a certain diet, which includes the rejection of fatty and red meat (except chicken), seafood, cheeses, salt and spices, coffee, alcohol, citrus and some other products. Food should be fresh, light and tasteless. Also it is necessary to abstain from sex and all kinds of narcotics and, if possible, drugs.
So the employee above told me later that shamans come to our country as well and hold sessions with Ayahuasca. He talked a lot about these sessions, which he passed many times, and suggested me to join him and try it. I hesitated for some time, or rather was afraid to do it. Looking back, I realize that I made the subconscious decision almost immediately, because I knew that this was the chance I had been waiting for. But a conscious, well thought-out decision took me a long time. Nevertheless, I had so many very important questions for so long time, so finally I made a decision...
There was a two-day session planned, and I had to prepare intentions for each one in advance. I was told that I can prepare more than one intention for a session, so I did not hesitate. As long as I made up my mind for this, I need to use it in full. I prepared a long list for both sessions. I did not expect that I would be able to get answers to the most important questions of my life straight on my first sessions, so I focused on "everyday" issues and problems that bothered me at that time: "Purify and heal the body and soul",  "Learn to live and enjoy the current moment, and not think about the future or the past", "Find inner integrity, harmony and happiness," "Increase self-confidence", " Increase internal energy ", "Improve the ability to make decisions ", " Improve my relationships with loved ones" and some others. I left the main questions I have been thinking about most of my life to future sessions, although I wrote them down right away: "Realize my place in life and my destiny", "Feel connected to all things", "Realize the Universe and Being, and the meaning of all this", "To know God " (if he exists).

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